Tuesday, March 10, 2009

She is not just "Sew -Sew"

Katie has been dying to get a sewing machine. Now this brings up not so good memories for me. See, when I was in high school I had to take a sewing class as an elective. Let me just say that without the help of my mom and grandmother it would have been ugly. But anyway, Katie has had it in her mind that she could make the most wonderful things if she just had a sewing machine. So, for her all "A" report card reward this is what she got......


Unknown said...

Martha Stewart watch out!!!

YaYa said...

That is sooo exciting that Katie can sew now!!! I want her to make all my clothes from now on!! Good job on the pillow.......

Jeni said...

Oh thanks for the shout out!! Any help miss katie needs I will be happy to help ya'll with!
and AHHH i LOVE the feeling of making somethng and being able to use it, Katie you are hired to make me my next pillows!